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Coffee Hour

Coffee hour teams rotate providing snacks after our 8am (individuals) and 10:30 (teams) services on Sunday morning.  This provides attendees to engage in fellowship.  Teams are scheduled approximately every six weeks to provide the snack and clean up the kitchen afterwards.  Please contact the church office to learn more.

Special Events

In addition to keeping the kitchen in tip top shape, this fun team provides support to some of our social events throughout the year.  Some of the events include the Valentine’s Extravaganza, the church picnic and Oktobertfest.

Men of Spirit

Male members over 16 years of age are Men of Spirit.  This ministry offers the opportunity for men to get together to support the church in unique ways such as volunteering in the community and at church events.  They also get together throughout the year to strengthen their relationships with one another.  Joining is easy, just participate in one of their events.

Women of Spirit

Women of Spirit are the female members of the church (16+ years old) to provide support through the sharing of ideas, providing comfort and care as well as participating in service projects.  More information can be obtained from the church office or by attending one of their events.

Youth Group

All youth from 10-18 years of age may participate in Youth Group activities.  While the group participates in activities like horseback riding, bingo, roller skating and a New Year’s Eve lock-in.  While having fun and fellowship, our aim is to equip our young members to be able to grow into the full stature of Christ and to live their Baptismal vows.  Please contact the church office for more information.

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