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Christian Education

Sunday School


Sunday School for pre-k through 5th grade is offered on Sunday services, following our 9:30am service.


Classes run from 10:45-11:30am and are a mix of fun and formation. Newcomers and visiting children are always welcome. Please join us!

Journey to Adulthood


Our Journey to Adulthood program is designed for youth 12-18 yrs of age (6th-12th grade) and meets Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:15pm.


​Evenings begin with a shared meal. Youth then  break into discussion groups covering a wide range of topics throughout the program. At the end of each evening, we gather and share online the evening service of Compline. It is not all work and study. Throughout the year we take periodic breaks to just have fun. 

Adult Education


Besides our weekly Wednesday morning Bible Study (at 10:15am) there are additional adult education opportunities available throughout the year. Check the bulletin announcements and bulletin boards for the latest offerings.

Vacation Bible School


VBS is a week-long program offering skits, crafts, stories, music, snacks and more. It is open to children entering pre-k through 5th grade. Older youth are always welcome to participate as helpers. VBS is typically held in June, dates and times will be published in the spring.​


2023 VBS Dates are: June 26-29 – Times to be published at a later date.

Education for Ministry


Education for Ministry (EFM) is a program of theological education at-a-distance of the School of Theology of the University of the South in Sewanee, Tenn. Students sign up one year at a time for this four-year program for lay persons. It covers the basics of a theological education in the Old and New Testaments, church history, liturgy, and theology. Students meet regularly, usually once a week (September through May) under the guidance of trained mentors.


The program grants a certificate at the completion of the four years.  Pre-registration is necessary. For more information or to sign up for EFM class, contact Ruth Richter or Cindy Pekarek, our parish mentors, or the church office, 402-291-7732.

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