We would love to have you join us for worship. Our worship is centered on knowing Christ in the Holy Eucharist and draws on the spiritual depth and richness of the Book of Common Prayer.
Saturday | 5:00 pm
This service is held in our parish chapel. This service does not include music, and because of the size of our chapel, tends to offer a more intimate worship experience.
Sunday | 8:00 am
This service is held in our parish chapel and uses the more traditional language of worship known as Rite I. it provides a quiet and contemplative worship experience.
Sunday | 9:30 am
This service offers our most family friendly atmosphere. Featuring our organist and choir, this service varies the hymnody and worship language throughout the year to enrichen and energize the spiritual well-being of those who attend.
Did you miss our service this week? If you'd like to hear Sunday's message, click on one of the links below. In the future, if would you like to know when sermons are posted, "like" the Church of the Holy Spirit Facebook page and receive notification of sermon updates. View past sermons on our YouTube channel CHS1305.
Fr. Tom Jones
Dec 3, 2023
Ted Powell
Dec 10, 2023