Welcome to our 2023 Lent Program Page
Over six sessions, using N.T. Wright and Michael F. Bird's "The New Testament You Never Knew" study materials, this year's offering will look back at the times and their influence on not only the message Jesus shared, but how they shaped the formation of what we now know of as The New Testament.
Each week, we will look at The New Testament from differing points of view to deepen our awareness of the story it tells and to learn more about those who wrote the books and letters we read, as well as the events that inspired them to offer witness to message of hope Jesus brought to the world.
If you would like to see what we will be discussing, or you would like to follow along with the weekly reflections, please print the worksheets below.
Better yet, please join us in the parish hall at 5:00 pm on the Sundays listed below for a shared soup supper followed by a short video and group discussions.
Week 1 (Sunday 26 Feb): The Books of the New Testament (Session 1 Worksheet)
Week 2 (Sunday 28 Feb): The World of Jesus and the Apostles (Session 2 Worksheet)
Week 3 (Sunday, 7 Mar): The Ministry of the Apostle Paul (Session 3 Worksheet)
Week 4 (Sunday 14 Mar): The Early Christians and the Church (Session 4 Worksheet)
Week 5 (Sunday 21 Mar): The Mission of the Church (Session 5 Worksheet)
Week 6 (Sunday 28 Mar): The Creation of the New Testament (Session 6 Worksheet)